Joelle El Hakim, M.D.

Joelle El Hakim, M.D.


Dr. Joelle El Hakim obtained her Dermatology degree in 2022 from the Lebanese American University after training at LAUMC- Rizk Hospital. Prior to that she pursued a Medical Doctorate degree at the same university and graduated with the highest distinction.
Dr.  El Hakim has an interest in medical and cosmetic dermatology. In addition to patient care, she leads clinical studies to help develop new treatments, and report on some of the unique techniques offered at The Skin Clinic and The Hair Clinic.

Dr. El Hakim published numerous publications in the fields of general dermatology and dermatopathology.


El Hakim, J, Mehawej, C, Chouery, E, Megarbane, A, El-Feghaly, J, El Khoury, J. Non-syndromic hypotrichosis: A report of two novel variants in the LSS gene. Pediatr Dermatol. 2023; 1- 2.

Alawami AZ, El Hakim JJ and Tannous ZS. Keratoacanthomas Induced by Cat Scratches in an Elderly Woman. Austin J Clin Case Rep. 2021; 8(2): 1197

Elias, A., Shebaby, W. N., Nehme, B., Faour, W., Bassil, B. S., Hakim, J. E., Iskandar, R., Dib-Jalbout, N., Mroueh, M., Daher, C., & Taleb, R. I. (2019). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the Anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities of 2-Himachelen-7-ol isolated from Cedrus Libani. Scientific Reports, 9(1).

Posters in International Conferences

American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 41st Annual Meeting (2022),

Infantile Hemangioma with Minimal or Arrested Growth Successfully Treated at Eight Days of Age

American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 41st Annual Meeting (2022),

Syndromic Poikiloderma Successfully Treated with Pulsed Dye Laser

Daher, C., Iskandar, R., Dib El Jalbout, N., Dwairi, V., Zgheib, M., Ibrahim, P. Mroueh, M. (2016). The antitumor promoting activity of 2-himachalen-7-ol in two-stage mouse skin carcinogenesis test. Planta Medica, 81(S 01), S1-S381.

Taleb, R., El Hakim, J., Elias, A., Mroueh, M., & Daher, C. (2014). Anti-cancer activity of 2-himachalen-7-ol isolated from Cedrus libani. Planta Medica, 80(16).